6 Months
Crazy that it has been 6 months since Connor was born! He is getting more fun every day and I love waking up to him every morning! He is a much happier baby and is getting a little personality that is so funny!

At 6 months Connor:
-Sits up and plays with his toys he started a few weeks ago
-Smiles at everyone
-Says Dadada all day long and baba. He gets a few mamas in there too.
-Eats solids at lunch and dinner and nurses every 2 hours
-Eats 2 times a night still
- Loves hanging upside down whenever I am holding him
-Being outside...he always has loved this!
-Looking around-He will not sleep if there are other people around that he can look at
-Loves to spit and blow bubbles with his lips
Doesn't Like:
-When I leave the room
-Lotion (never has liked it but I make him get it every night after his bath)
-When his mom isn't holding him but is in the same room
-When you don't feed him fast enough
-When his dad hangs him upside down for too long!
-Rolling- he seriously never does it
-Being in his car seat when it is dark outside
Height: 26.9 inches (62%tile)
Weight: 15.5 lbs (14.5%tile)
Head:17 inc (47%tile)