Friday, March 21, 2008

Why I love my wife...

I love my wife...even though right now as I am typing this sentence she is nagging me. This post is to let her now that she is the best.

As noted above in exhibit A you see a pizza that Steph cooked for me. Now, Steph was sad when she made me this pizza because she forgot to put pizza sauce on the pizza. What she didn't know is that the sauce is my least favorite part of the whole pizza. So what I wish would of happened is this: Instead of her handing me a pizza with a frown saying, "here you go you don't have to eat it if you don't want to" she should of said, "Hey Mike I made you a super dope pizza, enjoy."

So Steph I love you and you are da bomb!

Was this a good idea?

So let me give you some background on this picture. I am walking by the old creamery on campus when I see this van. It is NOT parked by the WILK, SWKT, HBLL, or HFAC... it is by the creamery. This van has a huge dent in it. So for some reason the owner decided to spray paint a huge "POW" over the dent.

My question is: Was this a good idea?

First of all, unless you are like my wife Stephanie, you don't think driving a mini van is that cool during college. So, it is bad enough that you are driving the mini van. Second this "POW" sticks out. Now, sure it probably gets a few laughs as you drive by and has some random people like me take pictures of it. But when all is said and done and you are driving home you are probably going to be driving home alone.

So I would vote no on the "POW" decal.

You do have to give credit to the person though they are probably making a lot of people laugh everyday.

It is time for me to exit the Bloggersphere today.