Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Connor at 7 months

I know this post is a little late, but we've been busy around here! Connor was sick all last week and he still has a runny nose but feels SO much better!
7 Months:
-Pro at sitting-never falls over
-Added momma to his sounds (dada, baba, blah, etc the usual baby sounds. haha)
-Slept through the night 1 time 2 weeks ago...I've never felt so good
-Was only getting up 2 X a night but has been getting up about 4 X a night the past 2 weeks--perfect timing because I started working so I get NO sleep at all
-Naps 2 X a day usually for 20 min and then an hour
-Throws the biggest fits...squeezes his eyes shut and screams until he gets his way
-Laughs a little more often. He started laughing hysterically and sometimes can't stop
-Plays with his toys
-Still loves the bath and jacuzzi
-Nurses 4 X a day and eats solids 3-4 X a day
-Smiles a ton (when he's not whining or crying)
-Still LOVES being outside and going for long walks
- Loves to watch you brush your teeth and loves when you let him hold the toothbrush while you are brushing.


Unknown said...

I'm so happy you updated your blog! Conner is so dang cute. Miss you guys a TON!

Unknown said...

Hah - this is Emily, btw - I'm signed in on my other blog.