Length: 25.5 (68%)
Weight:13.3 (15%)
Head: 16.2 (19%)
Weight:13.3 (15%)
Head: 16.2 (19%)
& No shots because...they found a double ear infection. So he is now on antibiotics and will go back next week for his shots!! Poor guy is just having a hard time with all of this. But the doctor did say go ahead and feed him...not only that but he said feed him anything we want besides peanut butter, shellfish & eggs. As long as it is a consistency he likes and take it slow introducing them. He also said he doesn't need to eat all night like he is so as soon as he gets better we MIGHT try to fix that. We will see how strong I am. He is so cute and it is so sad to see him so miserable. I hope he feels better soon.