Thursday, January 8, 2009

a little update

We got to go home to California the week before Christmas then we spent 2 days in Seattle with Michael's family at his brother's house and then we went back to California for a few days after Christmas. We didn't really take pictures, but here are a few... Here is Michael with our cute little Christmas tree before we left Utah...
The boys watched a lot of sports and Michael was so good with all of the usual! Carinn is trying to teach her kids to call him Big Farrell. Neal fell asleep on him while playing Wii.

I got to play with my family and loved every second of it. I love going home! The babies change so much every time I see them. Michael is such a good sport when we go home because I get so excited to see the girls in my house and he just plays with the boys. We are so excited for niece # 4 to be born in a couple of weeks!!! Here is Amelia and Addsion. Minnie thinks she is 10 now when she is only turning 4 and Addison eats like she is 10 when she is only a little baby. She isn't chubby she is her optimal weight and soo cute. When Carinn and Eric left to go home I was so sad not to have her little babies running around the house and I always miss them all so much when I leave. But we are lucky now and we get to come home to baby Aimee all of the time now! She is so cute and funny and crazy!


Christi said...

Good to see y'all are still alive! Love your hair. And yep, hanging out with fam is the best! Cute nieces!!

Christi said...

Oh, and that pic of Neal asleep is hilarious!